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Monday, May 29, 2006

Dear Ms Ho & Friends
Srry ah my again got problem !!! SRRY SRRY !!!! PLS FORGIVE!!!!

By:Moi(copyrighted) HEHE ^_*
9:43 PM

Dear Friends & Ms Ho,
1 Day and 1 day past Ms Ho is leaving our school in another 1 day and ......hrs.Hope that now is the starting of the year as Ms Ho will LEAVE!!!!Hianz.....Hianz....Hope Ms Ho will not leave the school and go to "MOE" Dept!!!
Hianz....Hianz...Good Luck Ms Ho ^_*
Like this so called 當你孤單你會想起誰

你的心情總在飛什麼事都想去追 抓住一點安慰你總是喜歡在人群中徘徊最害怕孤單的滋 味 你的心那麼脆 一碰就會碎 經不起一點風吹 你的身邊總是要許多人陪 你最害怕每天的天黑 但是天總會黑 人總要離別 誰也不能永遠陪誰 而孤單的滋味 誰都要面對 不只是你我 會感覺到疲憊 當你孤單你會想起 你想不想找個人來陪 你的快樂傷悲 只有我能體會 讓我再陪你走一

By:Moi(copyrighted) Hehe :)
9:21 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dear Friendz & Ms Ho
OMG!!!!I can`t belive that Ms Ho is leaving soon:( , I wished good luck at MOE Dept good luck Ms HO! But Ms Ho Have 2 more days in School ^_^
From: Moi AJ (All Copyrighted)
5:25 PM

Dear Friendz & Ms Ho
OMG!!!!I can`t belive that Ms Ho is leaving soon:( , I wished good luck at MOE Dept good luck Ms HO! But Ms Ho Have 2 more days in School ^_^
5:25 PM

It is so sad that Miss Ho is leaving ! I will miss her alot.
4:31 AM
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Yo frienz ,did your enjoyed the party

1:00 AM
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hi Ms Ho & friendz...
I am back again!!!!Hainz....So Sianz.....-_-"But Every1 Do not FORGOT TOMORROW WE R GOING TO THE LAB!!!!!!!!I GONNA TELL THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!YUPPY!!YUPPY!!!I can`t w8 to go to the lab tomorrow & hope everyone to let their parents to sign the sciance file and PASS UP ALL THE WORK!!!!
...................................................................LATEST NEW............................................................................
Today,at basketball training Rena had fell down on the sands and both legs were injury!!OMG!!!OH SO SAD!!!!!!:(HAHA!!!but not to Rena felling!!Is the word"oh so sad"i hope she will be OK soon huh.+ not missing the lab tomorrow i think that she nid to go to the hospital!!!!And that`s all for today gotta go C Ya ^_^!!
2:57 AM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Srry ah My com a little siao one should be Aiyo y so many ppl send ah some more when come in got what chicken little and tammy one too somemore i send to chicken little so "ma Fun" must vist my blog at www.360megabytes-.blogspot.com gotta go C YA to know me lock at my block
Signed off :Moi ☼AJ☼ (All copyrighted)
10:48 PM

Dear Teacher & Friendz...
Aiyo why so many people huh send?then when come in got what little.Ms Ho chicken little then got WHAT TAMMY 1 so funny loh.Then somemore i send wrongly to chicken you should tell us the blog website then can le mah so "ma fun" by the so lolx... If u all wan to no who am i then vist www.360megabyutes-.blogspot.com and please write on the Taggy board under the gallery or else..........Got to go C YA

From: Moi ¥AJ¥ (All Copyrighted)
10:38 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

He...he, mayb ms ho is rite, one for all n all for one ...Um miss ho i hav e-mail u recently i donno if u hav read that piece of e-mail .The e-mail is actually about a online shop so i intend to put on tis blog so that everybody can see , the website is(http://www.prettybags.blogspot.com)!!! I hope that u alll will visit the website and if any of u wan to buy any of the goods insid u can leav a note that u are my clasmate or my teacher . So far can u guess who am i ?? Clues?? Im a girl , a rough girl.Um u will probaly noe who am i from my nickname !!!!But i think miss ho will probaly b the firs to noe who am i from the worksheet we did recently the one that care for your friens, and the part that they ask wat plant can represent urself!!!
Cactus girl

5:31 AM

It looks like the 3 Musketeers decided to write a post - and one of them forgot to come and see me to finish his work. Sigh .... Maybe I should ask the other 2 to be responsible for the 3rd one. Afterall their mottos is ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE right ?

Anyway ...what's our plan for the class party ? Any ideas ? Requests ?

2:16 AM

Hey, you guys or gals should know us!
We are famous!
we are original!
we are the SIX FOURIANS of 2007!
we are the best!
we totally ROCK!
we love to disrupt lessons of miss wong! :D
we have wonderful teachers teaching us!
we have mr shafi as our form teacher as well as our english teacher!
we have miss tham as our wonderful maths teacher!
we have the never aging miss wong as our super science teacher!
we have the young and trendy and somehow what cool mr ang as our normal chinese teacher!
we have the two higher mother tongue teachers ; miss yong and mdm chin!
we have the..err... malay teachers..(hey tell me what are the malay teachers!) LOL
we are the coolest class in the primary 6 region! LOL
well, we just know that we totally ROCK!!!
can't you just simply agree?


The best PSLE aggregate points we can get!
The best SCHOOLS we can get to!
PSLE over!
Have a Sixfourians07 Gathering!

Visitors since 8th September.

speak up


❤JIA JIN->JiaJin
❤CHIA DINT->Chia Dint
❤SIXFOURIANS 06->Sixfourians06



April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007

Basic Codes: acidlove
Designer: Tipsy:D
Thanks to: X X X X
And Special Thanks to: [emerson]Emerson